Day 4

So today I am spending some time in Salzburg.


Wooly hat is a must – although probably will not win any fashion awards !


Statue of nude musicians near Mirabell Palace.


Fallen tree outside Mirabell Palace.


Mirabell Gardens.


Lion sculpture in Mirabell Gardens.


Bronze pegasus horse fountain in Mirabell Gardens.


Pegasus horse fountain with Hohensalzburg fortress in the background.


Path in Mirabell Gardens lined either side with trees.


Mirabell Gardens with Mirabell Palace on the right.


Row of park benches lining the path in Mirabell Gardens.


Park benches in Mirabell Gardens.


Trees in Mirabell Gardens.


Mirabell Gardens hedge tunnel (when in bloom).


Statue of “Aeneas Rescues his Father from Burning Troy” by the sculptor Ottavio Mosto.


One of a pair of Greek statues guarding the entrance to Mirabell Gardens. Mirabell Gardens was used for several scenes in the film “Sound of Music” including this entrance.


Funicular railway to Hohensalzburg fortress from Salzburg’s old town.


Looking back down from Hohensalzburg fortress over the funicular railway and Salzburg’s old town.


View from Hohensalzburg fortress of Salzburg Cathedral.


View from Hohensalzburg fortress of Franciscan Church undergoing renovation.


View over Salzburg’s old town.


Cannon in an embrasure at Hohensalzburg fortress.


Cannon in an embrasure facing towards Salzburg’s old town at Hohensalzburg fortress.


Creepy old marionettes in the marionettes museum within Hohensalzburg fortress.


Silver tableware.


Military museum within Hohensalzburg fortress. Exhibits from First World War.


Exhibits from First World War.


Exhibits from First World War.


18th Century cannon located in Hohensalzburg fortress.


Inside the Golden Hall at Hohensalzburg fortress.


Entrance to the Golden Hall from inside the hall.


Gargoyle above the entrance to the Golden Hall from the inside of the hall.


View over Salzsburg’s old town.


View through the window of old Salzburg’s town.


Toilet in the royal bedchamber at Hohensalzburg fortress.


Above the entrance to the Golden Hall.


View through the window of Saint George’s Chapel tower’s clock face and bells.


View of Saint George’s Chapel tower.


View of Saint George’s Chapel tower.


Statue in Hohensalzburg fortress museum.


Interior of Saint George’s Chapel at Hohensalzburg fortress.


Interior of Saint George’s Chapel.


Looking down the Hohensalzburg fortress funicular railway.


On Makartsteg Bridge over the Salzach River.


View from Makartsteg Bridge looking down the Salzach River.


“Love Locks” on the Makartsteg Bridge over the Salzach River.


Tasteful iron signage for a McDonald’s restaurant in the historic area of Salzburg.

Cold and wet weather gear the order of the day.


Modern street art.


Camp for the night.


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