Day 235

Today’s craziness, white water rafting in Rotorua with Kaitiaki Adventures.


The world renowned Tutea Falls, at 7 metres the highest commercially rafted waterfall in the world.


Here goes ! Andy front left as you look at the photo with me behind him.


Firm grip on the raft as we take the plunge.


Braced for impact.


This is it.


Disappearing under the water in the plunge pool at the base of the Tutea Falls.


Emerging out of the spray at the base of the waterfall.


Didn’t lose anyone and the raft remained upright.


Raft is a little waterlogged, as is those on it !


The raft tilting as it hits a current in the rapids.


Andy and I getting another soaking.


All survived the adrenaline rush with smiles on our faces.


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